17 Free AI Tools for Learning (Students & Teachers)

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As technology continues to advance, the role of artificial intelligence in education has become increasingly prominent. From personalized learning experiences to automated grading systems, AI tools have the potential to greatly enhance the learning process for students. With the increasing accessibility of AI technology, there are now numerous free AI tools available for students to use in their academic pursuits.

These tools cover a wide range of areas, from language learning to math and science, providing students with invaluable resources to aid in their studies.

In this article, we will explore 17 of the best free AI tools to Enhance Learning for students each offering unique benefits and features. Whether you’re looking to improve your writing skills, strengthen your understanding of complex concepts, or simply seeking additional support in your studies, these AI tools can help you achieve your academic goals. With the help of these innovative tools, students can now access personalized learning experiences and receive targeted assistance, ultimately leading to greater academic success. 

From AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard, which can assist with research and homework, to advanced summarization tools like Claude from Anthropic, these resources are designed to streamline your study process. Whether you’re tackling complex research papers or engaging in creative writing, software like Text Effects can help overcome writer’s block, while others like Perplexity offer Chrome extensions for efficient information search and summarization.

But it’s not just about text and research. The realm of AI extends to image generation and editing, with web software’s like Leonardo AI and Dally 3, which can aid in visual learning and presentations. And for those interested in the intersection of marketing and AI, HubSpot Academy’s free course can provide valuable insights.

This blog post is more than just a list; it’s a gateway to exploring how these 17 Free AI tools for Learning can revolutionize your learning experience, making it more engaging, efficient, and enjoyable. So, let’s embark on this journey of discovery and see how AI can not only complement but also enhance your educational journey.

What Are AI Tools and Why Are They Important for Students?

What Are AI Tools and Why Are They Important for Students? Featured Image

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are software applications or platforms that utilize AI algorithms and methodologies to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tools can analyze data, recognize patterns, make decisions, and even learn and adapt over time. For students, the importance of AI tools is multifaceted:

Personalized Learning: AI tools can tailor educational content to individual students’ learning styles and pace. This personalization ensures that students grasp concepts effectively, addressing their specific strengths and weaknesses.

Efficiency in Research and Writing: AI-powered software like ChatGPT or Google Bard can assist students in research by quickly providing information, summarizing texts, and even helping with writing assignments. This can save time and improve the quality of their work.

Enhanced Engagement: Interactive AI tools make learning more engaging. For instance, AI-driven simulations and educational games can turn complex subjects into interactive experiences, fostering deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.

Accessibility: AI tools can make education more accessible, especially for students with disabilities. For example, speech-to-text and text-to-speech tools can aid those with visual or hearing impairments.

Development of Future Skills: As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in various sectors, familiarity with these tools prepares students for future careers. Understanding and utilizing AI tools can give students a competitive edge in the job market.

Time Management and Organization: AI applications can help students manage their time and organize their work more effectively. Like AI-based planners can optimize study schedules, set reminders, and track progress.

Language Learning: AI language learning tools can provide personalized and interactive ways to learn new languages, offering instant feedback and adaptive learning paths.

Analytical Skills Enhancement: AI tools in data analysis and scientific research can assist students in processing and interpreting large sets of data, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.

Creative Expression: AI in creative fields like music, art, and writing opens new avenues for students to express themselves and experiment with new forms of creativity.

Instant Feedback and Support: AI tutoring systems and chatbots can provide instant feedback and support, offering explanations, answering queries, and helping students stay on track outside of classroom hours.

These 17 Free Ai Tools to Enhance Learning are not just about automating tasks; they are about enhancing and personalizing the educational experience, making learning more effective, engaging, and aligned with the skills needed in the 21st century.

How AI Tools Personalize the Learning Experience?

User How AI Tools Personalize the Learning Experience Featured Image

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have significantly transformed the landscape of education, offering personalized learning experiences that were once thought impossible. Here’s how AI tools are customizing education for individual learners:

Adaptive Learning Paths: AI algorithms can analyze a student’s performance, learning style, and preferences to create a customized learning path. This means that the content, pace, and difficulty of the material can be adjusted to meet the individual needs of each student, ensuring that they are neither bored with material that’s too easy nor overwhelmed by material that’s too hard.

Personalized Feedback and Support: AI tools can provide instant and personalized feedback on students’ work. For example, AI-driven writing assistants can offer suggestions for grammar, style, and content improvements, tailored to each student’s level of proficiency.

Interactive and Engaging Content: AI can generate dynamic learning materials that adapt to students’ interactions. For instance, educational games powered by AI can change their storyline or difficulty based on the student’s responses, making learning more engaging and effective.

Predictive Analytics: AI tools can predict potential learning challenges or areas where a student might struggle by analyzing past performance data. This allows educators and the students themselves to proactively focus on these areas before they become significant issues.

Accessible Learning for All: AI tools can make learning more accessible to students with disabilities. For example, speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionalities can aid students with hearing or visual impairments, while AI-driven personalized learning plans can be highly beneficial for students with learning disabilities like dyslexia.

Language Learning: AI-powered language learning apps can provide personalized lessons and practice sessions based on the learner’s proficiency level, learning speed, and even accent or dialect preferences.

Automated Administrative Tasks: By automating administrative tasks like grading and attendance, AI tools free up educators to spend more time on personalized instruction and interaction with students, allowing for a more tailored educational experience.

Real-Time Question Answering and Tutoring: AI chatbots and virtual tutors can answer students’ questions in real-time, providing personalized assistance outside of the classroom. This ensures that students can get help whenever they need it, without having to wait for the next class session.

Learning Analytics and Insights: AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data on student learning patterns, providing insights that educators can use to further tailor their teaching methods and materials to the needs of their students.

Career Guidance and Skill Development: AI systems can suggest courses, extracurricular activities, and even career paths based on a student’s interests, strengths, and academic history, helping them to develop skills that are aligned with their personal goals and the demands of the future job market.

AI in education offers a more individualized learning experience, adapting to the unique needs, abilities, and goals of each student. These Free Ai Tools for learning are more effective but also more enjoyable, as students engage with content that resonates with their personal learning journey.

How Can Students Benefit from Free AI Tools for Learning?

How Can Students Benefit from Free AI Tools? Featured Image

Students can greatly benefit from free AI tools to Enhance learning aspects of their education and skill development. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Enhanced Learning Experience: AI tools can provide personalized learning experiences, adapting to each student’s learning style, pace, and preferences. This leads to a more efficient and effective learning process.
  2. Access to Diverse Resources: Many AI tools offer access to a vast array of learning materials, including interactive courses, educational games, and extensive databases, which might not be readily available otherwise.
  3. Improved Research and Writing Skills: AI-powered writing assistants can help students improve their writing by providing grammar checks, style suggestions, and even content ideas, making research and essay writing more manageable.
  4. Study and Revision Aid: AI tools like flashcard apps and quiz makers can aid in studying and revision, using algorithms to identify areas where the student needs more focus.
  5. Language Learning: AI language learning apps offer personalized and interactive ways to learn new languages, providing instant feedback and adaptive learning paths.
  6. Time Management and Organization: AI-driven planners and organizational tools can help students manage their time more effectively, setting reminders for assignments and helping to prioritize tasks.
  7. Career Guidance: AI tools can analyze students’ skills, interests, and academic performance to provide career guidance and suggest relevant courses or paths.
  8. Accessibility for Students with Disabilities: AI tools can make learning more accessible, offering features like speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and personalized learning paths that accommodate various learning disabilities.
  9. Developing Future-Ready Skills: By using AI tools, students become familiar with cutting-edge technology, preparing them for a workforce where digital literacy and adaptability are crucial.
  10. Cost-Effective Learning: Free AI tools provide students with access to advanced educational resources without the financial burden, which is particularly beneficial for those who may not have the means to invest in expensive software or resources.

All these free AI tools can significantly enrich a student’s educational journey, providing them with tailored learning experiences, access to a wealth of resources, and essential skills for their future careers, all while being cost-effective.

The Power of Free AI Tools For Learning ( Education )

The Power of AI in Language Learning Featured Image

The advent of free AI tools for learning has brought a transformative power to the realm of education and learning. These tools, accessible to anyone with an internet connection, are democratizing education, making advanced learning resources available to a broader audience. Here’s a look at the impact and potential of free AI tools in learning:

  1. Personalized Education: One of the most significant advantages of AI tools is their ability to personalize learning. They can adapt to individual learning styles, pace, and preferences, offering a customized educational experience that caters to the unique needs of each learner.
  2. Accessibility: Free AI tools break down economic barriers to education. Students from various backgrounds can access high-quality learning resources without the burden of cost, making education more inclusive and equitable.
  3. 24/7 Availability: Unlike traditional classroom settings, AI tools are available around the clock. This means learners can study at their own pace and schedule, making education more flexible and accommodating to individual lifestyles and commitments.
  4. Enhanced Engagement: Many AI learning tools use interactive and gamified approaches, which can make learning more engaging and enjoyable. This can lead to increased motivation and better learning outcomes.
  5. Instant Feedback and Support: AI tools can provide immediate feedback on assignments and quizzes, allowing learners to understand their mistakes and learn from them quickly. This instant feedback loop is crucial for effective learning.
  6. Language Learning: AI-powered language learning apps offer personalized and interactive ways to learn new languages, providing instant feedback on pronunciation and grammar, which is especially beneficial for learners who do not have access to native speakers.
  7. Skill Development: With the rise of AI in various industries, learning to use these tools can also equip students with valuable skills that are increasingly in demand in the modern workforce.
  8. Resource Efficiency: For educators and institutions, AI tools can automate administrative tasks like grading and attendance, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently and focus on teaching and mentorship.
  9. Global Collaboration: AI tools often include features that enable collaboration and communication among learners from different parts of the world, fostering a global learning community.
  10. Continuous Improvement: AI algorithms continually learn and improve based on user interactions, which means these tools are constantly evolving and enhancing the learning experience they provide.
  11. Support for Educators: AI tools can assist educators in creating lesson plans, generating content, and identifying student needs, thereby enhancing the overall teaching experience.

In summary, the power of free AI tools for learning lies in their ability to make education more personalized, accessible, and efficient. They are not just tools for learning; they are catalysts for educational innovation and inclusivity, preparing learners for a rapidly evolving digital world.

AI Technology and Personalized Learning

AI technology has become a pivotal enabler of personalized learning, offering tailored educational experiences that adapt to the unique needs, abilities, and learning styles of each individual. Here’s how AI technology is shaping personalized learning:

AI Technology and Personalized Learning Featured Image
  1. Adaptive Learning Systems: AI-driven platforms can adjust the content, pace, and complexity based on the learner’s performance. For example, if a student struggles with a particular concept, the system can present additional resources or adjust the difficulty level to ensure comprehension.
  2. Predictive Analytics: AI can analyze a student’s past performance to predict future learning needs and challenges. This allows educators to proactively provide support in areas where a student is likely to struggle, ensuring a more targeted and effective learning experience.
  3. Customized Feedback and Assessment: AI technology can provide real-time, personalized feedback on assignments and assessments. Unlike one-size-fits-all feedback, AI can pinpoint specific areas where a student needs improvement, offering tailored advice and learning strategies.
  4. Interactive and Engaging Learning Environments: AI can create dynamic, interactive learning environments that respond to student interactions. This includes educational games, simulations, and virtual reality experiences that adapt in real-time to the learner’s actions.
  5. Learning Analytics for Informed Decision Making: AI tools can gather and analyze vast amounts of data on student engagement, performance, and learning patterns. Educators can use these insights to make informed decisions about teaching strategies and interventions.
  6. Personalized Learning Paths: AI can design individual learning paths with customized curricula and resources, ensuring that each student follows a trajectory that aligns with their strengths, interests, and learning goals.
  7. Language Learning: In language education, AI tools offer personalized pronunciation practice, vocabulary exercises, and grammar lessons tailored to the learner’s proficiency level and learning speed.
  8. Accessibility and Inclusivity: AI technology can make learning more accessible to students with disabilities. For instance, speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionalities can aid students with hearing or visual impairments, while AI-driven personalization can support students with learning disabilities.
  9. Automated Administrative Tasks: By automating tasks like grading and attendance tracking, AI frees up educators to focus more on teaching and personalizing instruction, rather than on administrative duties.
  10. Continuous Learning and Improvement: AI systems can continuously learn and improve based on student interactions, ensuring that the personalized learning experience is always evolving and adapting to the latest educational needs and trends

In summary, AI technology in personalized learning offers a more nuanced, responsive, and effective educational experience. It caters to the individual learner’s pace and style, making education more engaging, inclusive, and successful.

AI Capabilities in Online Learning Environments

AI capabilities have significantly enhanced online learning environments, making them more interactive, personalized, and efficient. Here’s an overview of how AI is being utilized in online education:

AI Capabilities in Online Learning Environments Featured Image
  1. Personalized Learning Paths: AI algorithms analyze students’ learning patterns, strengths, and weaknesses to create personalized study plans. This ensures that each student receives content tailored to their individual needs, helping them to learn more effectively.
  2. Automated Grading and Feedback: AI can automate the grading of quizzes and assignments, especially for objective-type questions. It can also provide instant feedback on students’ submissions, highlighting areas for improvement and offering suggestions for further study.
  3. Interactive Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide 24/7 support to students, answering queries, offering explanations, and guiding them through course materials, which is particularly useful in large-scale online courses.
  4. Adaptive Assessments: AI can dynamically adjust the difficulty of assessments based on a student’s performance. If a student is excelling, the AI might present more challenging questions, whereas it might simplify questions for those who are struggling.
  5. Predictive Analytics for Early Intervention: By analyzing data on student performance and engagement, AI can identify students who are at risk of falling behind. This allows educators to intervene early with additional support or resources.
  6. Enhanced Engagement with Gamification: AI can introduce gamified elements into online learning, such as rewards and leveling up, to keep students engaged and motivated. These elements can adapt based on the student’s progress and interactions.
  7. Content Customization and Curation: AI can curate and customize learning content from a vast array of online resources, ensuring that students have access to the most relevant and up-to-date materials.
  8. Language Processing for Global Accessibility: AI-powered language processing tools can translate course materials into different languages and provide real-time subtitles for lectures, making online learning more accessible to a global audience.
  9. Data-Driven Insights for Course Improvement: AI tools can analyze student feedback and engagement data to provide insights into the effectiveness of course content and structure. This helps educators continuously improve their online courses.
  10. Facilitation of Collaborative Learning: AI can facilitate collaborative learning by connecting students with similar interests or complementary skills, or by recommending group activities based on the course content.
  11. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Integration: In more advanced setups, AI can be combined with VR and AR to create immersive learning experiences, simulating real-world environments for practical learning.
  12. Detection of Academic Dishonesty: AI can help in maintaining academic integrity by detecting plagiarism and other forms of cheating, which is particularly important in online assessments.

Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly significant role in the realm of digital marketing, transforming how businesses interact with their audience and optimize their marketing strategies. Here are some key ways AI is impacting digital marketing:

Personalization: AI enables the creation of more personalized marketing content. By analyzing customer data, AI can help tailor messages, offers, and experiences to individual users, enhancing customer engagement and conversion rates.

Customer Insights: AI algorithms can process large volumes of data to extract valuable insights about consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. This information helps businesses in making data-driven decisions and crafting more effective marketing strategies.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide instant, automated customer support. They can handle a range of tasks from answering FAQs to assisting in the shopping process, improving customer service and engagement.

Predictive Analytics: AI can forecast future customer behavior and market trends by analyzing past and current data. This predictive capability is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve in their marketing efforts.

Content Generation and Optimization: AI tools can assist in content creation, from writing simple reports to optimizing web content for search engines (SEO). They can also suggest content topics based on trending issues and audience preferences.

Programmatic Advertising: AI automates the buying and placement of ads, making the process more efficient. It optimizes ad targeting based on user behavior and preferences, ensuring the right ads reach the right audience at the right time.

Email Marketing Optimization: AI helps in optimizing email marketing campaigns by personalizing email content, determining the best times to send emails, and segmenting email lists for targeted communication.

Social Media Management: AI tools can analyze social media trends and audience engagement, helping marketers to create more effective social media strategies. They can also automate certain aspects of social media management, like scheduling posts.

Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of voice-activated devices, AI is crucial in optimizing content for voice search, a growing segment of digital marketing.

Real-time Analytics and Adjustments: AI enables real-time tracking and analysis of marketing campaign performance. This allows for quick adjustments and optimization of strategies for better results.

In summary, AI in digital marketing offers businesses the ability to create more personalized, efficient, and data-driven marketing strategies, ultimately enhancing customer experiences and boosting business performance.

What Are the Top 17 Free AI Tools for Students and Teachers?

17 Free Ai Tools For Learning ( Students & Teachers ) Featured Image
28 Free Ai Tools

1) ChatGPT:

Access ChatGPT via chat.openai.com. Use it to ask questions, get writing assistance, or generate ideas. Simply type in your query or request, and ChatGPT will respond.

Platform: Web

Check out ChatGPT( Free )

Pricing and terms:  It’s a “freemium” tool, meaning there’s a free plan and a paid premium plan.
You can give it unlimited queries with the free version. 

ChatGPT Plus ($20/month) gives general access to ChatGPT, even during peak times. It provides faster response times. Plus, it gives priority access to new features and improvements.

Check it out: chat.openai.com ( Paid )

Google Bard Featured Image

2) Google Bard:

Google Bard is a new chat service from Google. It’s like talking to someone who can chat back using smart tech. You type, and it replies with pretty good answers. It’s good at understanding and chatting in a natural way.

How to use it: Go to bard.google.com. You might need permission from your school or work to use it if you’re on their network.

Cost: ( Free )

Check it out at Bard.google.com.

Have fun chatting!

3) Claude Form Anthropic:

How it works: Claude, is similar to ChatGPT, offers both free and paid plans. Many users find the free version sufficient for their needs. Its standout feature is the ability to handle extremely long content. With a 200,000 token context window, Claude can process and summarize documents or articles up to 150,000 words. This makes it ideal for digesting lengthy PDFs or web articles, and it even supports interactive conversations about the summarized content.

Pricing and terms: It’s a “freemium” tool, meaning there’s a free plan and a paid premium plan.

Check it out: ( Free )

Character.Ai Featured Image

4) Character AI:

Character AI” refers to artificial intelligence systems designed to create or interact as characters.

These systems can be used in various applications, including entertainment, education, customer service, and more. Here’s an overview:

Pricing and terms: ( Free )

5) Perplexity:

It is a Chrome extension that combines features of ChatGPT and Google. It provides instant page summaries, quick queries from the toolbar, contextual understanding related to the current page or domain, and shareable insights. Users can also ask follow-up questions for deeper understanding. This tool aims to simplify information gathering while browsing, reducing the need to jump between tabs. It has over 200,000 users and is designed to enhance online research and content comprehension​​.

Pricing and terms: ( Free Chrome Extension )

TextFX Featured-Image.

6) Text FX:

TextFX is described as a collection of AI-powered tools for content generation, catering to writers, rappers, and wordsmiths. It offers 10 distinct tools, including Simile for creating meaningful comparisons, Explode for dissecting text, and Unexpect for introducing surprising elements into written content. 

Pricing and terms: ( Free )

Exciting News for Marketers: Elevate Your Strategies with AI!

Dear Readers,

I’m thrilled to share a remarkable resource that promises to revolutionize your marketing journey – the brand new course from HubSpot Academy titled “AI for Marketers.” This course isn’t just another tutorial; it’s a gateway to transforming your marketing tactics using the power of Artificial Intelligence.

Imagine optimizing your content creation with unparalleled precision or gaining predictive insights that position you ahead of the curve. That’s what this course offers. It’s meticulously designed to empower you with both the knowledge and skills essential for leveraging AI tools in marketing.

But that’s not all. The course also places a strong emphasis on using AI ethically and responsibly – a critical aspect often overlooked. As you navigate through the modules, you’ll discover how to integrate AI into your strategies in ways that are not only effective but also aligned with best practices and ethical standards.

This course is more than just an educational experience; it’s an investment in your career growth. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, the insights and techniques you’ll learn are bound to elevate your marketing game.

So, why wait? Dive into the world of AI with HubSpot Academy and start transforming your marketing strategies today. Your career growth awaits!

Leonardo.Ai Featured Image
Leonardo.ai Plans Pricing Featured Image

7) Leonardo.Ai:

Leonardo.Ai is a hot new text-to-image generation model that is being compared to Midjourney right now. It’s not open to all, and the early-bird access is only available to a select few users. However, you can choose to join its Discord server to check out its amazing capabilities in generating highly detailed images.

Leonardo AI is a deep learning model developed by the German startup, CoreSight. It is used for generating realistic and high-quality images from textual descriptions. The model relies on a combination of generative adversarial networks (GANs) and natural language processing techniques to understand the text input and create corresponding images.

Some of the main features of Leonardo.ai include its ability to generate diverse and complex scenes, as well as generate high-resolution images with fine details. Additionally, it can be trained on custom datasets to generate specific types of images. What stood out to me the most is that Leonardo.Ai is also good at generating human faces without any blemish in the eyes. So if you are interested in a powerful text-to-image model like Midjourney, Leonardo.Ai is a great alternative.

As for pricing, Leonardo.ai currently offers both free and paid plans. The free plan allows users to generate up to 50 low-resolution images per month, while the paid plan offers unlimited high-resolution image generation.

While users can use the images generated in a free plan for personal or non-commercial purposes, they are not allowed to use them for commercial purposes without purchasing a paid plan or obtaining permission from CoreSight.

Platform: Web

Check out Leonardo.ai ( Free Early Access )

8) Microsoft Image Creator Powered By DALL.E 3:

Bing Image Creator is a free AI-powered tool that allows users to generate images based on text prompts. It is powered by DALL-E 3 and can be accessed through Bing Chat or by visiting Bing.com/Create

Users are given a limited number of “boosts” to create images, with each boost equaling one image generation. When users run out of boosts, the Image Creator takes longer to generate images

To use Bing Image Creator, you need a Windows Live account, which is free5. There is currently no waitlist to use the Bing Image Creator, and users can access it by logging in to the website with their Windows Live account

While Bing Image Creator is free, users can purchase more boosts to speed up the image generation process. This is done by redeeming Microsoft Rewards, a loyalty program for using Bing products

However, there is no mention of an unlimited subscription for the tool

Platform: Web

Check out ( Bing Image Creator Free )

Logo For Ideogram Ai

9) Ideogram.Ai:

Ideogram AI is an innovative platform that specializes in the seamless integration of text into AI-generated images. It’s a tool that creates photorealistic images and artworks using AI, with reliable typography within images. This means you can turn your ideas into beautiful images by simply providing a text description.

Ideogram AI was founded by former Google Brain researchers and has made significant strides in the realm of AI creativity. It offers a unique “typography” preset that allows users to manipulate fonts, colors, and styles to create harmonious text-image combinations.

As for the pricing, Ideogram AI offers both free and paid plans. The free plan allows for standard generation with a limit of 100 images per day. The Basic Plan costs $8 USD per month and the Plus Plan costs $20 USD per month. These paid plans offer additional features like priority generation, private generation, and image upload. Please note that the prices mentioned are as of the latest available information and may vary. For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, please visit the official Ideogram AI website.

Platform: Web

Check out Ideogram.AI ( Free )

Logo For Playground Ai Image Generator

10) Playground Ai:

Playground AI is a free-to-use online AI image creator. It allows you to create and edit images like a pro without being one. You can use it to create art, social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos, and more.

It introduces a new way to combine real and synthetic images to create stunning works of art and photorealistic images. Playground AI, also known as GPT-3.5-turbo, is an intelligent predictive language tool. It features AI models that are meticulously trained to generate or respond to any user input in the most genuine, human-like manner. It equips you with several templates to ignite your creativity.

As for the pricing, Playground AI is predominantly free, but it comes with a usage time limit. Upon setting up your OpenAI account, you are granted an initial credit of $182. Under the costliest model, this allows the AI to generate approximately 650,000 words for you. However, these complimentary credits will eventually expire after about four months. Once you reach this temporal threshold or if you deplete all your credits before then, you’ll be required to make a purchase for additional usage.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, please visit the official Playground AI website.

Platform: Web

Check out Playground Ai: ( Free )

Logo For Ai Image Editing Tool
Ai Image Editing Tool Featured Text Image
Magic Eraser Featured Image

11) Magic Eraser:

Magic Eraser is a tool that allows you to remove unwanted objects, people, or text from images in seconds. It’s free to use and doesn’t require signup. You can upload images in various formats including JPG, JPEG, PNG, HEIC, WEBP, and TIFF. The process involves four steps:

  • Upload: Drag and drop or select an image to upload.
  • Select: Use the brush to highlight the area you want to remove.
  • Erase: Click ‘erase’ to remove the selected area. If you’re not satisfied with the result, you can erase again or undo and reselect.
  • Download: Once you’re happy with the result, you can download the edited image in an appropriate format.

It also offers a ‘Bulk Edit’ feature to edit 50 pictures at once and provides pro tips to achieve the best results. Please note that the information provided is based on the latest available details and may vary. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please visit the official Magic Eraser website.

Platform: Web

Check out Magic Eraser: ( Free )

Logo For Logo For AI Image Upscaler

12) AI Image Upscaler:

Upscale.media, an AI-based tool that enhances image quality. Here are the key points:

  • Free AI Enhancement: Upscale.media allows users to enhance their images for free using AI technology.
  • Bulk Transformation: It supports bulk image enhancement, allowing multiple images to be uploaded and enhanced at once.
  • API Integration: The tool can be integrated into existing workflows via APIs, enhancing productivity.
  • Blogs and Guides: The site also features blogs that guide users on how to enlarge images without losing quality, upscale images to 4k resolution, and more.

Platform: Web

Check Out Ai Image Upscaler: ( Free )

leiapix Ai Featured Image
leapixa plans & pricing featured image

13) LeiaPix Ai:

LeiaPix AI: This tool can transform 2D images into captivating 3D animations. It’s trusted by over 2.5 million users and offers a free trial.

  • Depth Map Generated by AI: Leia Inc., the company behind LeiaPix, is a leader in 3D technology. They have a vast dataset of high-quality 3D pictures.
  • Depth Map Editing: LeiaPix offers innovative depth map editing features to unlock the next frontier of 3D imaging.
  • Exports: Users can download a free 720p MP4 or SBS file of their depth animation. A premium export option is also available, offering 4K clarity, no watermarks, and commercial rights.

Platform: Web

Check out Leiapix Ai ( Free Plan )

Users can download a free 720p MP4 or SBS file of their depth animation.
Standard exports like animations at 720p or lower, SBS, LIF, Facebook 3D, and Depth map are free.
It’s a powerful platform that packs a serious punch even without any payment.

Paid Plan:

The premium export option offers 4K clarity, no watermarks, and commercial rights.
For high-definition exports above 720p up to 4K, a nominal credit charge will apply.
The premium plans offer more advanced features and customization options

Please note that the exact features and pricing may vary, so it’s always a good idea to check the official LeiaPix AI website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


14) AutoDraw.Com

AutoDraw is a drawing tool that combines machine learning with artwork from skilled artists to facilitate quick visual creation. It’s free, requires no downloads, and is compatible with various devices including smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Platform: Web

Enhance Your Drawing Skills For Free

15) Blockade Labs:

Skybox AI: This is an AI-powered tool that generates 360° skybox experiences from text prompts. It allows users to create virtual spaces in seconds.

User Interface: The website provides options for users to sign up, log in, and try Skybox AI. It also offers API access.

Blockade Labs, the company behind Skybox AI, is committed to breaking down the barriers between technology and creativity.

Platform: Web

Generate 360 Image For Free

Luma Ai Featured Image

16) Luma Ai:

Luma AI: This is an AI-powered tool that generates high-quality photorealistic 3D assets and environments in minutes at scale with the Luma API.

Try Now For Free

Plazmapunk Featured Image

17) Plazmapunk:

  • Plazmapunk: A platform for creating and sharing synthetic videos using artificial intelligence.
  • Synthetic Videos: Videos that are generated or manipulated by AI models, such as deepfakesface swapsstyle transfers, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are AI tools and how are they useful for students and teachers?

AI tools are applications or software that use ai algorithms and machine learning to perform various tasks. These tools are extremely useful for students and teachers as they personalize learning experiences, enhance the learning environment, and allow students to focus on their learning style.

2. How do AI tools contribute to a personalized learning experience?

AI tools personalize learning by understanding each student’s learning style and adapting the learning process to match their individual needs and capabilities. They can also enhance learning by offering personalized feedback and tailored learning materials.

3. What are some of the best AI tools for students in 2023?

In 2023, students can benefit from free AI tools that cater to education and learning processes. These top AI tools for students include ai writing tools, ai chatbots, and machine learning based language learning platforms.

4. How do AI tools enhance the learning environment for students with disabilities?

AI tools are useful for students with disabilities as they can provide personalized support and adapted learning materials to cater to their specific needs. For example, AI-powered assistive technologies can be of great help for students with disabilities.

5. What is the future of AI in education and how are educators and students benefitting from it?

The future of AI in education is promising, with AI tools becoming increasingly integrated into learning processes. Educators and students can benefit from the power of AI

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